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1,233 Sales Ships from Shenzhen, China

PINKIFIED is a an online clothing boutique providing young women with naturally beautiful feminine fashion. Each piece would lift your confidence and make you feel beautiful inside and out. Main themes are fresh florals, pastels, summer bliss, girly and feminine.


Returns and Exchanges

  • Pinkified does not allow returns.

  • Pinkified does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    We sure do! Shipping is also available free worldwide!
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    All items will be shipped via China Post or Hong Kong Air Mail. Please allow 4-6 weeks for all shipments. Items are subject to supplier availability.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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