Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad

Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad
Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad-1
Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad-2
Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad-3
Custom Made Themed Father's Day Gift Basket - Gift for Dad-4

Customer feedback for this store 3 past orders · 0 customer ratings

To order a custom made Father's Day Gift Basket please message shop owner to discuss theme & size you desire. Let me know what kind of things the recipient likes/enjoys. I can provide example pictures. I will provide a picture of completed basket for your approval before shipping. I can create a custom order listing for you to order from after you provide details. Most basket creations are priced $35 to $60 and include shipping but can be priced lower or higher depending on request. Can create any theme you desire. Lets create something beautiful he will love! USPS 2 Day Priority Shipping Included

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

At this time Gift Baskets by Mel only delivers in the U.S.

How long will it take to receive my order?

It is my goal to ship all orders received in 1-2 days. Once shipped most domestic orders are shipped USPS Priority 2-3 day mail and should take on average 2 to 3 business days to arrive.