Tattered Victorian Kneck Tie Cuff TV1406

sold by GypsySoup

Tattered Victorian Kneck Tie Cuff TV1406
Tattered Victorian Kneck Tie Cuff TV1406-1

Customer feedback for this store 7 past orders · 0 customer ratings

Lovely repurposery in a tattered victorian wrist cuff, with repurposed kneck ties, upcycled materials and vintage buttons! Lace over taffeta with burgundy and black! Standard wrist size. Measures 2"-3" in width. Velcro closure. Hey friends, please don't pin GypsySoup items to Pinterest . . .many thanks!

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

At present, GypsySoup is not equipped to ship anywhere other than North America. That, my dear friends . . .will change soon!

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. If this is a CUSTOM item, please allow 10-14 days, potentially less!

How can I pass along GypsySoup to muh pals?

Oh . . .that's easy!!!


Come "like" the soup page . . . sure appreciate yuh!

What if I live close to GypsySoup? . . .can we work out a way to deliver?

Hey - you know somethin' - that just might be possible . . . in fact, a pretty good idea to save you a few bucks on shipping! let me know what yer thinking as far as "delivery/meet me halfway" by leaving a message on the Gypsysoup page at:


or the following a note at my email address:
[email protected]

Maybe we can work out a plan!!!!!

I kinduh want something custom, can we chat about that?

AWESOME! I added 2 new item selections for Themed or Memory pouches! Place your order and lets chat! I love custom stuff! As long as we are repurposing items into other items, we can do it! Contact me! I have used concert tshirts, Father's ties, scarves, you name it! If you love it or its sentimental - lets make something amazing!



[email protected]