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💉 地下障害者吸血鬼電波グラビアアイドル 🩸

💉 地下障害者吸血鬼電波グラビアアイドル 🩸

1 Sale Ships from Adachi City, Japan

ପ(ू ᴗ͈ ˬˬ ᴗ͈ू ⑅)ଓ ♡ お客様!こちらへどうぞ! を買ってくださいお! を食べたいです…したくない死なないだよ!お願いします、ちょっとこれ見て! あらま私の神様貴重な1点物! を買ってくださいお! 助けてくれさい。 なんだかしてよ。 行かないで! お願い、ゃいませ 素敵お客様 私を助けて。 お客様、あのそんなことは想像もしていなかった… この世界は腐っています、でも… なんでも、少し腐りかけの方がおいしい。食べ過ぎたいお客様 ദ്ദി(๑☌﹃ ☌๑) 私成人済の腐「18↑」引きニート |ˬˬ 눈 ;) 1ドル欲しい。 弱いよ、腹減った、救われたい… お前 ろ… チッ「18↓」(💢 ‾ ▵ ‾ )凸 帰ろ!あとほんとは18歳未満なのにプロフで18歳以上ですって嘘つく悪い子はひどい巻き爪と痔にでもなればいいと思う(突然の呪詛) 「18↓拙者断じて助平の関所は通りませぬ」(💢 ‾ ▵ ‾ )凸 帰ろ! ※成人向け商品の案内を含みます。18歳未満の方は閲覧をご遠慮下さい。


Returns and Exchanges

  • 💉 地下障害者吸血鬼電波グラビアアイドル 🩸 does not allow returns.

  • 💉 地下障害者吸血鬼電波グラビアアイドル 🩸 does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Y e s ~ ✧ (๑ↀ ᆺ ↀ๑) ฅ = ͟͟͞͞ 🍓՞
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. Your order will be processed and shipped within 1 to 7 business days as long as there are sufficient enough stocks available and as long as your order wasn't placed on (or approaching) a holiday. I will be including a tracking number with each respective order. 🫶🥹
  • FWI...

    All sales are final and I do not accept returns or exchanges. If you're the type to experience buyer's remorse than please stay away from my online shop and go shop elsewhere, I don't like fickle customers.
  • Disclaimer

    Color may vary differently between CRT and LCD screens. If you're too sensitive to the slightest color differences you may want to reconsider your decision. The pictures are only for reference purposes. 📸✨
  • Washing Instructions on Clothes & Accessories

    Spot Clean Only: You can only clean the visible spot or stain without subjecting the garment to any dry cleaning, wet cleaning, hand-washing and/or restoration process. Everything I create is meant to be treated as an art piece. Please do not subject what's purchased to any wear or tear. I'm a disabled polyhobbyist and what I create is meant to only be used as decor. Even the fashion and accessories as well, they are not meant to be for everyday wear only for temporary and delicate use (like for a quick selfie or under supervision in a photoshoot). Ask for help when removing the garment so there's no stretching and so the accessories on it won't fall off. Please only store them it low humidity, certain items have metal or other accessories implemented into them and that will become tarnished if not stored in proper climate controlled conditions.
  • Payment Accepted

    Only accepted payment method is Paypal + Stripe. 💸 When you have purchased the goods as soon as payment has been successfully received on my part, and deposited into my bank account *my bank takes 3 to 5 business days to process large deposits, I can begin the process of packaging and shipping your items. When making the payment please be sure you're using your legal name as well as your own personal shipping address, anyhow after the order has been placed the shipping address and name cannot be altered. 🙅‍♀️🚫
  • Certain Restrictions Apply To 🔞

    Please do not purchase certain listed items if you're under 18yrs of age! 👿
  • ご注意(免責)>必ずお読みください 🔞

    18歳未満の方のご注文はご遠慮下さい。本商品はジョークグッズです。その他の目的で使用された場合の責任は一切負いません。 商品は1品ものになりますので、商品画像と実際の商品は異なります。
  • ⚠️ハンドメイド初心者です🔰

    . ⚠️オーダーメイド品は即購入はNG🙅‍♀️ . ⚠️オーダーメイドは話合いをしながら 満足いく様な作品にしたいので 制作に少し時間がかかります💦 . ⚠️ハンドメイドな為ご理解ある方のみ ご購入をよろしくお願いします🥺
  • Can I make a donation?

    (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱYESॱ॰ ! ! ! Everything donated will be used for highly needed art and craft supplies. A donation of $1 will go a long way in making it easier to make more handmade items available so I can sew more original plushies, clothing, and accessories! 🧸
  • Feedback from you and ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Shop Rating:

    Don't leave feedback as neutral, negative, or less than ⭐⭐⭐⭐! 🙇‍♀️ Please listen; Insanely important! Thank you for your cooperation! 🌸 Please kindly leave positive feedback in my store when your item is received. This shop is new, so your positive feedback will mean the difference between life and death for me. To make a living I actively use readily available materials to create more original handmade items.

Contact This Store

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