


Little River, SC

Carolina Coast Home & Body is a crafter of homemade candles, bath, beauty and home decor products. We have a wide variety of product designs. Most are inspired by nature. When thinking about nature the endless beauty of the colors and scents are amazing. My favorite are the colors and scents of the coastal areas and the tropics. I am Sharon Cuev...
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Little River, SC

Carolina Coast Home & Body is a crafter of homemade candles, bath, beauty and home decor products. We have a wide variety of product designs. Most are inspired by nature. When thinking about nature the endless beauty of the colors and scents are amazing. My favorite are the colors and scents of the coastal areas and the tropics.

I am Sharon Cuevas, founder of Carolina Coast Home & Body. I grew up in Pennsylvania and later loved living on the Gulf coast of Florida. I now live, work, and play near the beaches of North Carolina and South Carolina. Hence the name of my company.
All my products are made from natural materials. The reason I began designing and making my products come from shopping experiences. While shopping I can never find the exact item I want. I always find that one element of a product is wrong; whether it be the color, pattern or design. I always find myself saying if I could take this and replace it with that and so on, then it will be perfect.
That is why customization is the strength of my brand – from design to purchase terms. My vision is to create a unique partnership with each of my customers. Always feel free to request a substitution in color, size, fragrance, label or gift box. Even create your own design from scratch.
Ideas and inspiration for new items is endless. I look forward to sharing additional items with you each month.

Behind the Brand

Inspiration straight from the source

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Returns and Exchanges

  • carolinacoasthomeandbody allows returns within 10 days.

  • carolinacoasthomeandbody allows exchanges within 10 days.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    At the present time I only accept orders within the US. The rest of the world look for your opportunity in the near future.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.
  • Do you accept custom orders?

    Sure. You can change the color, scent or size of any product. Even request a totally custom designed product. Simply contact me. There is no additional charge for changes in color or scent. Other changes such as size may incur additional charges.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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