


Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Uzualsunday is art print and design studio located in Pocheon, South Korea. We make art and also we design various things like logos, package designs, book covers, music cd covers, and any other drawing, illustration projects. I believe that art can make people to relax, feel better and to have good emotion so I hope that through my art, peo...
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Seoul, Korea, Republic of 1 Sale

Uzualsunday is art print and design studio located in Pocheon, South Korea.
We make art and also we design various things like logos, package designs, book covers, music cd covers, and any other drawing, illustration projects.

I believe that art can make people to relax, feel better and to have good emotion so I hope that through my art, people remind their childhood, or special moments and refresh in someway.


Behind the Brand

Inspiration straight from the source

"For your special daily moments"

pina lee

Artisitat uzualsunday

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Returns and Exchanges

  • uzualsunday does not allow returns.

  • uzualsunday does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    We sure do!
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    It usually takes 14~20 days because our items are from South Korea.
  • Printing Quality

    We print our art at our friend's professional printing studio so the quality is really good!!
  • Packaging

    Packaging: We used a flat box envelop to protect the print so you never need to worry about creasing problem. The size 11 x 16 is packaged with a hard paper tube case

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